
How To Write A Summary (Well!)


One of the key skills on the IGCSE First Language English exam is learning how to write a summary.

Summary-writing is examined in question 1f), and an example question from Summer 2022, Paper 1, Variant 3, is provided here for your consideration:

The format is generally always the same.

In each case, you have to refer to text B in the insert, and then you have to respond to a specific prompt with a summary.

But how do you do that?

To effectively write a summary for IGCSE First Language English and obtain the highest possible score in an exam, follow these steps:

  1. Read the task prompt:

    You have no idea how many summaries I have read in my lifetime that didn’t work because the student just went and summarized the text. Please don’t do this – instead, please read the task prompt.

    No matter what, your summary needs to match the question, and you need to make sure that it addresses the essential points. This is crucial, because the summary task is about selection. It will be crucial when you decide on what you will select for your points.
  2. Read the passage carefully:

    Begin by thoroughly reading the given passage to fully understand its content, context, and main ideas. This will ensure you have a strong foundation for your summary. As you read, make sure you keep #1 in mind – it will help you decide what you should focus on.
  3. Identify key points:

    As you read, make note of the main points and any supporting details. Pay special attention to the question or task prompt, as it will guide you on what to include in your summary.
  4. Organize your ideas:

    Once you’ve managed to decide which points belong in your summary, group the main points and supporting details in a logical order that supports the prompt. This will help you create a coherent and well-structured summary.
  5. Paraphrase:

    When summarizing the text, use your own words to express the ideas. Often, you will need to, as the passages won’t always *directly* demonstrate the requirements of the prompt, and you may need to progress a little further. Paraphrasing shows your understanding of the text and will help you avoid plagiarism. However, be sure to maintain the original meaning of the content.
  6. Keep it concise:

    A summary should be brief and to the point. Aim to include only the most important information, and avoid any unnecessary details, examples, or personal opinions. Many English teachers also do advise that you keep your summary to one paragraph and would fight and clash on hills to ensure that somehow or another you keep to one paragraph for your summary.
  7. Use appropriate language:

    In the IGCSE First Language English exam, use formal and clear language. Avoid slang, contractions, and colloquialisms. Vary your sentence structure and use appropriate vocabulary to demonstrate your language skills, while at the same time making sure that your grammar is impeccable and on point.
  8. Review the task prompt:

    As you write your summary, continually refer back to the task prompt to ensure you’re addressing all requirements. This will help you stay focused and avoid straying from the task at hand.
  9. Edit and proofread:

    Once you’ve written your summary, take the time to carefully review and edit it. Check for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Look for any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling, and correct them as needed. In all probability, you will want to be able to learn how to do this quickly and precisely over time – to succeed at doing that, you will need to practice and develop your time allocation skills over time.

    Oh wait, what’s that? The last tip?
  10. Practice:

    To improve your summary writing skills and increase your chances of achieving the highest possible score, practice summarizing various types of texts. This will help you become more familiar with the process and develop your ability to quickly and effectively summarize content.

And that’s it for now!

We hope you enjoyed this piece – enjoy, and have a wonderful one ahead!

V. – 56 Descriptive and Narrative Essays


Dear All,

Welcome to the very first publication on this site! 

This book offers excellent narrative and descriptive compositions based on the 2021 and 2022 IGCSE First Language English exams.

Why does it exist?
It exists because the key challenge students often face isn’t that they don’t understand the criteria for excellence: It is not knowing what top-quality work looks like. This book demonstrates work that is concordant with the highest possible achievement levels for Descriptive and Narrative compositions for the IGCSE (Paper 2, Section B). It encompasses the most current and updated understanding of the Cambridge IGCSE mark scheme criteria for Paper 2 into 56 incredible compositions that we hope will be a joy to read.

Have a look at a preview here and enjoy some of the sample essays within!

The book takes account of the entire history of examiner reports from Cambridge International Examinations. It designed to be used and read alongside markschemes, not to replace them. Do also read it in alongside our guides for descriptive composition as well as narrative composition as well!

As a final note, this book would not have been possible without the kind support of many different people. 

In particular, I thank Cambridge IGCSE examiners and teachers from schools such as Garden International School and Premfield International School. I also thank collaborators from Sri Kuala Lumpur International School, Sri KDU International School, Eagles International School and many others. This has been a labor of love, a product of deep and extensive reflection, and deep and intense learning. Thank you for discussing this work and the content of the website with me! 

We hope these essays will serve you well throughout the process of preparing for the IGCSE and we hope it will be a joy to read 🙂

If you want one of the best possible resources to guide your preparation the IGCSE 0500 First Language English examinations, pick up a copy today! 

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Thank you for the support, and as always, here is to your success in days ahead!

P.S. Special, limited time promotion! 

If you are one of the first 200 people to purchase this book, you will receive one year of access to the premium memberships section of!

P.P.S. On a side note, this book’s publication took place prior to the closure of Book Depository, and the book recommendation links within the book (which were directed to Book Depository) are no longer functional; this will be updated in a subsequent edition of the book. Apologies for that!

Unlock the Secrets to High-Scoring Descriptive Essays: A Comprehensive Guide.


A:”I am blind. How would you describe this owl?”

B:”Er, it’s a bird.”

A:”Okay, what does the bird look like?”

B:”It’s very beautiful.”

A:”…How exactly is it beautiful?!”

That’s essentially the conundrum that examiners face when they look at many descriptive writing essays written by students – the essays are often not detailed enough, they do not present sufficiently complex content, and they do not allow the person who is reading the essay to deeply and distinctly visualize the thing that the writer is trying to describe.

Well, this is what we’re going to address today!

IGCSE First Language English (0500) students often find descriptive writing for Descriptive Compositions to be a challenging yet rewarding aspect of the curriculum, specifically in Section B: Composition of Paper 2 of the IGCSE First Language English exam.

The thing is, crafting vivid and engaging descriptions requires a unique set of skills – it requires you to see details in the things that you look at, to be able to craft word pictures for people with great facility… And… You guessed it, it requires a deep understanding of the mark schemes!

In this blog post, we’ll share essential tips and strategies to help you excel in descriptive writing, ensuring that your essays align with the marking criteria and at the end of the day, contribute to your long-term development as a writer.

We will once again be examining the Cambridge sample mark scheme provided for Paper 2 on the Cambridge International website, focusing specifically on the criteria for Descriptive Writing, referencing Table A, Composition: Content and structure, and Table B, Composition: Style and accuracy as we think about what it means to write well according to the overlords of the IGCSE!

For each piece of advice, we will provide a justification that correlates with the band descriptors used to assign marks to your descriptive essays, helping you understand how to elevate your writing and achieve the highest possible marks through consistent practice, reading, and improvement.

Let’s get started!

  1. Create a Vivid and Convincing Picture:

A high-scoring descriptive essay presents a series of well-defined and developed ideas and images that create a convincing overall picture. Use sensory details, metaphors, similes, and precise vocabulary to paint a vivid picture of the scene, object, or person you are describing.

Another way to say this is also that you must learn to see a vivid and convincing picture. This is not a one-day process or something that you can achieve just by sitting down and thinking about things – rather, you must take the time to actually immerse yourself in the world around you and to ask yourself: What can I see in a flower? What can I see in a bird, a building, a tree? If you can only see that these things are merely the words that they code, then you may be missing a good part of narrative writing – for these things are exactly what you are being asked to look at, and then to describe.

These are two different skills:

You must first see an imagined reality that is convincing, beautiful, and consistent, then you must learn to communicate it. These are two separate skills, but they are both important.

Justification: According to the mark scheme, a top-scoring essay (14-16 marks) must have “content [that] is complex, engaging, and effective.” Creating a vivid and convincing picture fulfills these criteria by immersing readers in the world you have described and evoking strong emotional responses.

What this means in many cases is that you must go into detail.

For example, let’s suppose that you are describing a river as it flows down a mountain.

Do you simply describe the direction of the water, as in “the water flowed down the mountain, wetting the rocks as it moved swiftly downwards, pushing the grass aside as it coursed through towards the forests below”? Nope. You talk about its “sinuous reflectivity”, describe how it “almost seemed as if it was alive”, and you even move beyond that to talk about how the water “splashed about the rocks playfully”.

No sorry, that will not cut it.

To get a 6, you need to say something more along the lines of:

“A torrential cascade of crystal-clear water surged down the steep mountainside, its forceful currents carving intricate patterns in the rock face. As it rushed downward, the river’s glistening tendrils playfully danced around boulders and twisted through vibrant green grasses, leaving a mesmerizing trail of glistening droplets in its wake. As it approached the edge of the dense, verdant forest below, the water’s relentless momentum carried it through the shadows of the towering trees, their leaves shimmering as they swayed to the rhythm of the river’s eternal song.”

Why? Because it’s complex, engaging, effective. It allows you to immediately visualize the river as it flows down the mountain in a way that is unmistakable and truly vivid – It develops multiple different sentences in ways that allow the viewer to immerse themselves in the painting of words that’s been created – it creates something that’s distinct, absolutely clear to the memory, and that creates a strong impact in the reader.

Let’s move on to the next point! When you are describing…

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