Hello hello everyone! What a whirlwind of a weekend it has been.

Amongst other things, I gave a speech yesterday at the Asia School of Business about education in the age of artificial intelligence, but that’s less important than the realization that the May 2023 IGCSE is even closer than it was before; with that in mind, I thought to share with all of you today that there are going to be some rather big changes coming up on the site!

For one thing, we’re going to start live office hours, although we are initially restricting this only to premium members, although you may participate if you happen to be on a free trial. This will be a one-hour session that will take place on Tuesdays at 8pm MYT over Zoom – do join our premium memberships if you are interested to participate!

If you are a premium member, you should be receiving an email in the next couple of days; please check your email boxes to see if it shows up in spam – I do apologize as I am rather new to this and am still figuring things out!

Another thing is that the narrative essay bank and descriptive essay bank have been updated and will be progressively updated over the course of the weeks ahead, as we move towards the IGCSE. Samples will be provided to our free members as always though, so please don’t worry about that!

Yet another thing that we are interested to move forward on is live classes.

I am thinking to start a series of live classes for those of you who have been interested to see what we can offer you, so here’s how you can do that: Scan the QR code below and get in touch!

The pricing for the group class that I’d like to conduct will be MYR1000 for 12 sessions of 1.5 hours each, and there will be no capacity limit; it will cost RM100 to reserve your spot, and do allow me some time to come up with a payment link for you if you are from another geography.

For other classes, please go right ahead and contact me or fill in the form, and I will get right back to you!

If you’re interested, please go ahead and scan the QR code below and sign up 🙂

Thank you all so, so much for your support in recent days, and I look forward to bringing you more incredible content soon!

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