International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Unleashing Your Creativity: Story Structures for Top-Scoring IGCSE Narrative Writing


As IGCSE students, you’re on a quest to master the art of narrative writing, and I’m here to be your trusted guide.

Today, we’ll explore the fascinating world of story structures that will help you craft captivating, engaging, and top-scoring narrative pieces. So, buckle up and get ready to unleash your creativity and embark on a journey to the land of A+ narratives!

We’ll start first with our recommendations for narrative structures that you can try out in your writing (more specific and targeted blog posts, examples, and templates will follow in the coming weeks), and also provide examples that take place in some books that you can consider reading; they are mostly classics.

While they won’t demonstrate the entirety of each one of these narrative structures in full, they will provide some valuable insight into what to look for and also provide examples that you can reference if you have the interest (and the time!) to pursue some reading. 🙂

In the final section, we will justify these recommendations with specific reference to the mark scheme.

Do know also that it is possible to combine this narrative structures with one another and that you most likely will do so as you utilise the techniques that you learn in this post in order to deal with the unseen prompts that you will encounter on the exam and write stories at large 🙂

Sounds good? Let’s go! 🚀

Narrative Structures

  1. The Classic Three-Act Structure: Tried and True

The three-act structure is like a reliable old friend, always there to guide you through the world of storytelling. This classic approach divides your narrative into three parts: the setup, confrontation, and resolution. By establishing a strong beginning, middle, and end, you’ll create a well-balanced and engaging story that is sure to impress your IGCSE examiners.


“Once upon a time in a faraway land, there lived a young girl named Cinderella who was forced to work as a servant for her wicked stepmother and stepsisters.” – Cinderella, Charles Perrault.

This opening line from the classic fairytale of Cinderella sets the stage for a story that follows the three-act structure. The first act introduces the characters and the central conflict, the second act chronicles Cinderella’s struggles and her magical night at the ball, and the third act brings about resolution and a happy ending as she marries the prince.


Note however that the Three-Act Structure does not necessarily entail a happy ending – it is just a framework for setting up your story, and definitely can and should be used in conjunction with some of the other narrative structures as well as intelligent discernment in order for you to construct a piece that will impress and wow your examiners! Thank you to Ms. Rani CK for discussing this with me 🙂

  1. The Hero’s Journey: Embrace the Adventure

The Hero’s Journey, inspired by Joseph Campbell’s monomyth, is a story structure that revolves around a protagonist’s transformative adventure. Your hero (or heroine) will face trials, overcome obstacles, and ultimately return as a changed person. By incorporating this powerful structure into your narrative writing, you’ll create a compelling and dynamic story that captures the essence of human experience and captivates your readers (and examiners).


“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” – The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien.

J.R.R. Tolkien’s opening line in The Hobbit introduces the protagonist, Bilbo Baggins, and marks the beginning of his Hero’s Journey. Throughout the story, Bilbo leaves his comfortable home, faces various trials and adventures alongside a group of dwarves, and ultimately returns transformed, having discovered his inner courage and resourcefulness.

  1. In Medias Res: Start with a Bang

Dive headfirst into the action by employing the “in medias res” (Latin for “in the midst of things”) story structure. This technique drops your reader right into the heart of the action, creating an immediate sense of intrigue and excitement. By starting with a gripping event, you’ll pique your reader’s curiosity and encourage them to keep reading as you gradually reveal the backstory and context. This bold approach will show your IGCSE examiners that you’re a fearless and innovative storyteller.


“Someone must have slandered Josef K., for one morning, without having done anything truly wrong, he was arrested.” – The Trial, Franz Kafka.

Franz Kafka’s The Trial starts in medias res, as the protagonist Josef K. is arrested without any prior explanation. This opening plunges the reader right into the action and establishes a sense of immediacy and confusion, setting the stage for a narrative that will gradually reveal the circumstances and consequences of this arrest.

  1. Nonlinear Narrative: Play with Time

Who says stories need to follow a chronological order? By experimenting with a nonlinear narrative, you’ll weave a tale that jumps between different time periods, creating an intricate and thought-provoking story. This structure requires skillful planning to ensure your reader can follow the story’s progression, but when executed well, it can lead to a captivating and memorable piece that will undoubtedly impress your IGCSE examiners.


“All this happened, more or less.” – Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-Five is a prime example of a nonlinear narrative. The novel tells the story of Billy Pilgrim, who becomes “unstuck in time” and experiences events from his life in a disjointed order. This opening line acknowledges the narrative’s unconventional structure, as the story will jump back and forth in time to explore Billy’s life, war experiences, and encounters with extraterrestrial beings.

  1. Frame Narrative: Stories within Stories

Unleash the full power of your storytelling abilities with a frame narrative. This structure involves a story within a story, where an outer narrative “frames” an inner one. By employing this sophisticated technique, you’ll create depth and layers to your writing, offering your reader multiple perspectives and a rich, immersive experience.


“You will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings.” – Frankenstein, Mary Shelley.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a frame narrative, as it begins with a series of letters from Captain Walton to his sister, chronicling his Arctic expedition. The story of Victor Frankenstein and his monstrous creation is relayed to Walton, who then recounts the tale to his sister through the letters. This structure adds layers of depth and multiple perspectives to the narrative, enriching the overall storytelling experience.

Why do these work?

In this section, we’ll delve into how each of the story structures we’ve discussed can help students achieve top marks in their IGCSE narrative writing, specifically addressing the marking criteria for content, structure, and style.

  1. The Classic Three-Act Structure

Content and Structure (W1 & W2): The three-act structure’s clear beginning, middle, and end ensures that your narrative is well-balanced and organized. By establishing a strong setup, confrontation, and resolution, you can create complex, engaging, and effective content, satisfying the requirements for the highest marks.

Style and Accuracy (W3 & W4): A well-executed three-act structure also allows for precise vocabulary and varied sentence structures, as well as a consistent, well-chosen register that aligns with the context of the story. These elements contribute to a high-scoring narrative in terms of style and accuracy.

  1. The Hero’s Journey

Content and Structure (W1 & W2): The Hero’s Journey offers a strongly developed plot that features character development, trials, and a satisfying climax. This story structure enables you to create engaging, complex, and effective content that demonstrates a deliberate and well-managed narrative flow.

Style and Accuracy (W3 & W4): The adventurous nature of the Hero’s Journey allows for the use of precise, well-chosen vocabulary and varied sentence structures. The story’s context also lends itself to an appropriate and consistent register, further contributing to a high-scoring narrative.

  1. In Medias Res

Content and Structure (W1 & W2): By starting your narrative in the midst of action, you immediately create engaging, complex, and effective content. The suspenseful nature of this structure requires careful management, which, when done successfully, demonstrates a secure and well-balanced narrative flow.

Style and Accuracy (W3 & W4): In medias res encourages you to use precise vocabulary and varied sentence structures to convey the excitement and tension of the story. The structure also allows for a consistent, well-chosen register that aligns with the high-stakes context, ultimately contributing to a top-scoring narrative.

  1. Nonlinear Narrative

Content and Structure (W1 & W2): A nonlinear narrative enables you to create complex, engaging, and effective content by challenging traditional storytelling conventions. Skillful planning is required to maintain a well-balanced and carefully managed narrative flow, which, when executed well, will satisfy the highest marks’ requirements.

Style and Accuracy (W3 & W4): The intricate nature of a nonlinear narrative demands precise vocabulary and a range of sentence structures to convey the story’s progression effectively. By demonstrating a consistent, well-chosen register suitable for the context, you’ll create a high-scoring narrative in terms of style and accuracy.

  1. Frame Narrative

Content and Structure (W1 & W2): A frame narrative provides depth and layers to your writing, allowing you to create complex, engaging, and effective content. This sophisticated structure requires careful management to ensure a secure, well-balanced, and deliberate narrative flow, satisfying the top marks’ requirements.

Style and Accuracy (W3 & W4): The multiple perspectives offered by a frame narrative enable the use of precise, well-chosen vocabulary and varied sentence structures. A consistent and appropriate register that aligns with the story’s context further contributes to a top-scoring narrative in terms of style and accuracy.

By carefully applying these story structures to your narrative writing, you can address the mark scheme’s criteria for content, structure, and style, putting you on the path to achieving the highest possible grades in your IGCSE narrative writing exam.

Conclusion: Your Path to Narrative Greatness

Remember, aspiring storytellers, the key to crafting an outstanding narrative piece lies in your choice of story structure and your ability to execute it masterfully. By exploring these various structures and aligning them with the highest IGCSE grade requirements, you’ll be well on your way to creating captivating, engaging, and top-scoring narratives.

So, go forth and weave your tales, for the world of narrative writing awaits! May your pen be mighty, your imagination boundless, and your stories unforgettable. With dedication, creativity, and a little guidance from these story structures, you’ll soon be the author of narratives that will not only impress your IGCSE examiners but also leave a lasting impact on all who read them.

Empower Your English 0500 Journey: Maximize Learning through Active Classroom Engagement


One of the most significant obstacles in learning how to excel in First Language English is the variability in the quality of teaching. Not every teacher is created equal – many have different levels of training, and even when the training is done, each person has a different styles and different life experiences which they bring into this work.

Even if a teacher is experienced and extremely capable at delivering the material, though, how much good can it do for you if you do not have the ability to absorb it at the point of delivery?

This creates a critical challenge for you as a student: How do you excel in an environment where your teacher may not be able to deliver everything that you need?

The answer to that is active learning – The act of taking control of your learning, putting the process of your knowledge acquisition into your own hands as you do your own research and study and practice so that you can gain the knowledge that you need to excel in the way that you want.

At the same time though, not every student is equally prepared to take their education into their own hands.

After all, some students may struggle with shyness, anxiety, or other barriers that prevent them from actively participating in class.

Yet, regardless of the situation, I firmly believe that every student has the potential to excel in English 0500 – but it will require some adjustment in behaviour, thoughts, and mindset.

In this blog post, I will share some practical strategies that will empower you to overcome these challenges and maximize your active engagement in the classroom. Ready? Let’s go!

To make the most of your learning and to begin the process of learning actively, you might consider the following:

  1. Acknowledge and Address Personal Barriers:

Before diving into active learning strategies, it’s crucial to recognize the challenges that may be holding you back. Be honest with yourself about any shyness, anxiety, or other personal barriers that have prevented you from fully engaging in the classroom. Seek help from a counselor or trusted adult to discuss these issues and develop a plan to overcome them. Remember, it’s never too late to make a change and become a more active participant in your learning journey.

  1. Ask Questions:

Asking questions can be intimidating, especially if you’re shy or feel unsure about the material. However, taking this step is essential for your growth as a learner. Start by asking questions in a smaller setting, such as during group work or one-on-one with your teacher. Gradually build up the confidence to speak up during class discussions. Remember that no question is too small or too insignificant—every inquiry contributes to a deeper understanding of the material.

  1. Take Detailed Notes:

Taking comprehensive notes during class will help you retain information better and improve your understanding of the material. Develop a note-taking system that works for you, incorporating symbols, abbreviations, and highlighting techniques to make your notes visually engaging. Review your notes regularly to reinforce your learning and to identify any gaps in your understanding that you can address during class or with your teacher.

  1. Collaborate with Peers:

Working with classmates not only fosters camaraderie but also encourages active learning. Engage in group discussions, compare notes, and tackle challenging concepts together. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and listen to others’ perspectives. This collaborative approach to learning can help you overcome shyness, build confidence, and deepen your understanding of the material.

  1. Practice Active Listening:

Active listening is a skill that requires concentration and effort. Focus on the teacher’s words, and resist the urge to let your mind wander. As you listen, try to make connections between new information and previously learned concepts. This process will help you to better comprehend and retain the material.

  1. Reflect on Your Learning:

After each class, take a few minutes to reflect on what you’ve learned. Consider the aspects you found challenging or exciting and any questions that arose during the lesson. Use this reflection to guide your study sessions and to identify areas where you might need additional support.

  1. Set Goals and Monitor Progress:

Establish specific, achievable goals for your English 0500 journey. These goals might include improving your vocabulary, enhancing your writing skills, or participating more actively in class discussions. Regularly assess your progress and celebrate your accomplishments along the way.


In conclusion, remember that you have the power to overcome any obstacles and take control of your English 0500 learning experience. By employing these active learning strategies, you can maximize your classroom engagement and make significant strides toward academic success, regardless of the quality of teaching you have encountered in the past. Keep believing in yourself and stay committed to your growth. The sky’s the limit!

IGCSE English 0500 Assessment Objectives, Part 2: A02 Writing


In this post, we’ll continue the discussion of the Reading and Writing Assessment Objectives on the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) English 0500 examination that we began in the previous post, in which we talked about A01 Reading.

In this post, we will specifically go over A02: Writing for your understanding, and cover the criteria in detail.

If you are a parent, feel free to share this with your children – if you are a student, read it so you understand what you are being assessed on.

Even better? Read it together and share it with your friends.

Here is the assessment objective, and its associated dependencies.

AO2 Writing
Candidates will be assessed on their ability to:
W1 Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined
W2 Organise and structure ideas and opinions for deliberate effect
W3 Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures appropriate to context
W4 Use register appropriate to context
W5 Make accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

If you’d like to go over the full criteria and syllabus, have a look here (2024-2026 syllabus).

For a more clear breakdown… Read on!

The IGCSE Writing assessment objectives focus on skills that enable students to express themselves effectively in written communication. These skills include articulating experiences and thoughts, organising and structuring ideas for deliberate effect, using appropriate vocabulary and sentence structures, using register appropriate to context, and making accurate use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

These skills are *essentially essential* for success in academic and professional contexts, where effective communication is a critical aspect of success and you only have one chance to write good essays and will have no right to reply when you are writing an exam, and the examiner reads your essay.

Specifically, your writing needs to make sense to anyone who is reading it whether they are a child, adult, CEO, teacher, it needs to be in line with each prompt that has been given to you, and it needs to be good.

Sounds tough?

Don’t worry, it’s not as hard as you think – Let’s break it down!

AO2 Writing:

You will be assessed on your ability to:

W1 Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt and imagined

Explanation: This criterion assesses your ability to communicate your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and imagination through writing. To demonstrate this skill, you can follow these steps:

  • Plan your writing by thinking about what you want to communicate and how you will structure your ideas.
  • Use descriptive language and sensory details to bring your experiences and imagination to life.
  • Express your thoughts and feelings clearly and accurately, making sure to use appropriate language and tone for your audience.

W2 Organise and structure ideas and opinions for deliberate effect

Explanation: This criterion assesses your ability to organise and structure your ideas and opinions in a way that has a deliberate effect on the reader. To demonstrate this skill, you can follow these steps:

  • Plan your writing by thinking about the purpose of your writing and the main ideas that you want to convey.
  • Use paragraphs to structure your ideas and opinions in a logical and coherent way.
  • Use connective words and phrases to link your ideas together and guide the reader through your writing.
  • Consider the effect that you want to have on the reader and use language and structure to achieve this.

W3 Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures appropriate to context

Explanation: This criterion assesses your ability to use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures that are appropriate for the context of your writing. To demonstrate this skill, you can follow these steps:

  • Consider the audience and purpose of your writing and choose vocabulary that is appropriate for them.
  • Use a variety of sentence structures, including simple, compound, and complex sentences, to add variety and interest to your writing.
  • Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to convey your ideas clearly and accurately.

W4 Use register appropriate to context

Explanation: This criterion assesses your ability to use a register that is appropriate for the context of your writing. Register refers to the level of formality or informality that is appropriate for the situation. To demonstrate this skill, you can follow these steps:

  • Consider the audience and purpose of your writing and choose a register that is appropriate for them.
  • Use formal language and structure for academic or professional writing, and informal language and structure for personal or creative writing.
  • Use appropriate greetings and sign-offs for emails and letters, and avoid using slang or inappropriate language.

W5 Make accurate use of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Explanation: This criterion assesses your ability to use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar in your writing. To demonstrate this skill, you can follow these steps:

  • Proofread your writing carefully to ensure that there are no spelling errors.
  • Use appropriate punctuation to clarify meaning and convey tone.
  • Use correct grammar to ensure that your writing is clear and easy to understand.
  • Use punctuation correctly to separate and organise ideas in your writing.
  • Use capital letters appropriately for proper nouns, the start of sentences, and headings.
  • Use correct verb tenses to convey meaning accurately.
  • Use subject-verb agreement to ensure that your writing is grammatically correct.
  • Use pronouns correctly and ensure they agree in gender and number with the nouns they refer to.
  • Use conjunctions and prepositions correctly to link ideas together and show relationships between them.

Overall, writing questions in the IGCSE exam require you to effectively communicate your experiences, thoughts, feelings, and ideas through writing. You need to demonstrate a mastery of vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and register appropriate to the context of your writing, and organise and structure your ideas in a way that has a deliberate effect on the reader.

This isn’t always easy.

It takes a lifetime of dedication to learn how to write, and this applies not just to people who have just started to prepare for an examination that they are viewing with a sense of impending doom, but also often to students that have been reading as a hobby and as a habit for the longest of times.

We’ll cover how to excel in different aspects of writing in later posts, and you can read the accompanying blog post to this one about A01 Reading here – in the meantime, if you need tutoring and guidance to ensure that you can perform to the very best of your abilities, do feel free to drop a line!